Bust Out of the Box! [Part II] Bold Ideas for Using Unprecedented ARP Homeless Children and Youth Funding

Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
Washington, District of Columbia
Friday, May 14, 2021 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
The American Rescue Plan included $800 million in funding specifically to support the identification, enrollment, attendance, and school participation of children and youth experiencing homelessness, including through wrap-around services. Funds can be used flexibly to meet a broad range of needs. 25% of these funds already are available to states and will be hitting some LEAs soon; the remainder will go out later this summer. Some LEAs will be receiving two or more times their typical McKinney-Vento grant, while others will be receiving McKinney-Vento funds for the first time. This creates an unprecedented opportunity for states and LEAs to reframe, refresh, and refocus their entire McKinney-Vento program, from our youngest children through youth transitioning to post-secondary education, and with equity at the core of all decisions. Join us as our weekly conversation series continues, and we hear and share bold, out-of-the-box ideas for maximizing the impact of ARP Homeless Children and Youth Funding.
SchoolHouse Connection
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