Aligning State and Local Investments for Durable Change

The Council of Large Public Housing Authority (CLPHA)
Houston, Texas
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Please join us to explore how two remarkable state leaders — Superintendent Carey Wright, Ed.D., of Mississippi and Commissioner Charlene Russell Tucker — are taking a two-tiered approach sustainable change that aligns state and locally administered funding streams. This session will examine Mississippi’s commitment to building teacher capacity through a range of strategies including national board certification of teachers, and examine Connecticut’s investments in data, attendance and family engagement. Improving outcomes for your youngest learners requires both developing teachers and leveraging the power of data and relationship building with families to improve attendance.

After each state chief shares their vision and the key components of their state investments, a local superintendent will share what they have been able to put in place on the ground and how their district has built upon state resources. We will then hear from the Council of Chief State School Officers about how these efforts reflect practice more generally across the country.

The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
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