
This community is a space for Housing Is members interested in youth. Low-income youth face unique challenges and opportunities as their families move towards self-sufficiency through housing assistance; some youth are experiencing homelessness or are independent from guardians.

Found 2 resources.
Report Tue, 11/03/2020

As housing costs have escalated and inequities persist across the country, many young people need flexible, empowerment-based investments to get stably housed and onto a path to thriving. To this end, direct financial assistance (“cash transfers”) with other supports offer a promising solution grounded in a robust global evidence base. The circumstances of COVID-19 amplify the importance of developing and evaluating youth-informed approaches to doing things differently. This report shares results and implications of a year-long research and stakeholder engagement process that Chapin Hall conducted in collaboration with Point Source Youth to inform the development of a Direct Cash Transfer Program (DCTP) for youth experiencing homelessness. We look forward to piloting and rigorously evaluating a program based on these findings, starting in NYC.
Author/Publisher: Matthew Morton for CHAPIN HALL AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO
Community development, Funding, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Nov 3, 2020
Report Tue, 07/10/2018
HUD Administrative Data Linked with the National Health Interview Survey
Asthma, Attendance, Child welfare, Early childhood, Education, Grade-level proficiency, Health, Healthy homes, Home visiting, Housing, Lead, Literacy, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Preventative care, Research, School-readiness, Stability, Vision, Youth
Shared by Steve Lucas on Jul 10, 2018