Federal and State Collaboration to Improve Health Through Housing
Jul 19, 2018
In December 2016, federal and state policymakers examined health and housing issues at a meeting convened in Washington, D.C., by the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) with support from The Commonwealth Fund.
Health in All Policies: The Role of The US Department of Housing and Urban Development and Present and Future Challenges
Health in All Policies: The Role of The US Department of Housing and Urban Development and Present and Future Challenges
Jul 19, 2018
The link between federal housing policy and public health has been understood since the nineteenth century, when housing activists first sought to abolish slums and create healthful environments.
Health Impact Assessment: South Lincoln Homes, Denver CO
Health Impact Assessment: South Lincoln Homes, Denver CO
Case study
Jul 17, 2018
The South Lincoln Health Impact Assessment (HIA) focuses on the redevelopment master plan for the Denver Housing Authority’s South Lincoln Homes community in downtown Denver. The rapid HIA and masterplan was a four-month process that began in April 2009.
Deconstructing Philadelphia's "Blueprint" Project: A Unique and Effective Multiyear partnership to Expand Permanent Supportive Housing
Deconstructing Philadelphia's "Blueprint" Project: A Unique and Effective Multiyear partnership to Expand Permanent Supportive Housing
Jul 12, 2018
This article deconstructs the history, structure, and financing that have made this unique partnership between Philadelphia's Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disabilities, the Office of Homeless Services, and the Housing Authority, possible.
Federal and State Collaboration to Improve Health Through Housing
Federal and State Collaboration to Improve Health Through Housing
Jul 10, 2018
In December 2016, federal and state policymakers examined the intersection of unstable housing and negative health outcomes at a meeting convened in Washington, D.C., by the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) with support from The Commonwealth Fund.