Jul 23, 2018
The Moving to Opportunity (MTO) experiment offered randomly selected families living in highpoverty housing projects housing vouchers to move to lower-poverty neighborhoods. We present new evidence on the impacts of MTO on children’s long-term outcomes using administrative data from tax returns. We find that moving to a lower-poverty neighborhood significantly improves college attendance rates and earnings for children who were young (below age 13) when their families moved. These children also live in better neighborhoods themselves as adults and are less likely to become single parents. The treatment effects are substantial: children whose families take up an experimental voucher to move to a lower-poverty area when they are less than 13 years old have an annual income that is $3,477 (31%) higher on average relative to a mean of $11,270 in the control group in their mid-twenties
Authored by:
Topics: Child welfare, Cost effectiveness, Dual-generation, Education, Housing, Low-income, Mobility, Research
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 23, 2018
The Moving to Opportunity (MTO) experiment offered randomly selected families living in highpoverty housing projects housing vouchers to move to lower-poverty neighborhoods. We present new evidence on the impacts of MTO on children’s long-term outcomes using administrative data from tax returns.
Jul 23, 2018
FAQs regarding MAGI rules (2013)
Authored by:
Topics: Medicaid / Medicare
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on Jul 23, 2018
FAQs regarding MAGI rules (2013)
Jul 23, 2018
The aim of the study was to understand how policy capacity was defined and managed by state health leaders in different political environments during the implementation of the ACA. We conducted a total of 24 interviews, 18 with state executive agency officials and six with legislators from 10 states. The the final sample includes two states from the Northeast, three from the South, three from the Midwest, and two from the West.
Authored by:
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Funding, Health, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Partnerships
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 23, 2018
The aim of the study was to understand how policy capacity was defined and managed by state health leaders in different political environments during the implementation of the ACA.
Jul 23, 2018
The aim of the study was to understand how policy capacity was defined and managed by state health leaders in different political environments during the implementation of the ACA. Working with a sample of states—large and small, red and blue, actively reformist or more circumspect, etc.—the research team interviewed 18 state executive agency officials and six legislators from 10 states about their experiences developing and sustaining the capacity needed for major transformations in health care
Authored by:
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Funding, Health, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Partnerships, Research
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 23, 2018
The aim of the study was to understand how policy capacity was defined and managed by state health leaders in different political environments during the implementation of the ACA.
Jul 23, 2018
States are implementing accountable care organizations (ACOs) to
improve health care quality and better manage costs for Medicaid populations. Core components that define Medicaid ACOs are: the payment model; quality measurement approach; and the data
strategy. This brief provides an overview of these core ACO elements and profiles how nine states -Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, and Vermont -have structured their Medicaid ACOs. For each state, it outlines key ACO characteristics; details unique payment, quality, and data approaches; and spotlights one of the state’s Medicaid ACOs. This set of profiles can help inform Medicaid ACO development in other states.
Authored by:
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Data sharing, Health, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Metrics
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 23, 2018
States are implementing accountable care organizations (ACOs) to
improve health care quality and better manage costs for Medicaid populations. Core components that define Medicaid ACOs are: the payment model; quality measurement approach; and the data
strategy. This brief provides an overview of
Jul 23, 2018
States are realizing the potential benefits associated with integrating medical care and social services, and are beginning to take the first steps toward developing financing and payment models that encourage this connection. This brief, made possible by The Commonwealth Fund, reviews potential financing mechanisms to facilitate integration, with a particular focus on Medicaid. Drawing from interviews with experts across the country, it offers models ranging from one time seed funding for pilot projects to blended or braided financing arrangements that support comprehensive integration. The brief also highlights payment methodologies designed to influence providers to incorporate social services into their care efforts, with a focus on moving away from fee‐for‐service and toward value based payment strategies like global budgets.
Authored by:
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Funding, Health, Medicaid / Medicare, Partnerships, Supportive housing
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Housing Is posted a
on Jul 23, 2018
States are realizing the potential benefits associated with integrating medical care and social services, and are beginning to take the first steps toward developing financing and payment models that encourage this connection.
Jul 23, 2018
To what extent does a change of address and transformation of the surrounding environment translate into a reduced sense of stigmatization of public housing residents? This article explores this question. Drawing from research at three new, mixed-income developments in Chicago, we examine changes in the regulatory and social environment and the perspectives and experiences of public housing residents living there. We find that although some forms of perceived stigma may have been ameliorated in these new settings, in other ways stigma and isolation has intensified.
Authored by:
Topics: Housing, Low-income, Mental health, Midwest, Mobility, Racial inequalities, Research, Safety
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Housing Is posted a
on Jul 23, 2018
To what extent does a change of address and transformation of the surrounding environment translate into a reduced sense of stigmatization of public housing residents? This article explores this question.
Jul 20, 2018
Kaiser Permanente NW Community Benefit intends to award at least $1.5 million in community grants to support organizations that help people with behavioral health challenges to secure and maintain safe, stable housing. A minimum of five grants of up to $325,000 will be awarded for projects lasting 3 ½ years. Projects must include the involvement of peers or community health workers (CHWs) and must involve collaboration between housing providers, health care providers (including behavioral health service providers) and those community organizations employing peers or CHWs.
Authored by:
Topics: Funding, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Mental health, Pacific Northwest, Partnerships, Place-based, Preventative care, Substance abuse
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 20, 2018
Kaiser Permanente NW Community Benefit intends to award at least $1.5 million in community grants to support organizations that help people with behavioral health challenges to secure and maintain safe, stable housing.
Jul 20, 2018
The need for more affordable rental housing is urgent. The record number of renters paying more than half their incomes for housing underscores the growing gap between market-rate costs and the rents that millions of households can afford. Governments at all levels must redouble their efforts to expand the affordable supply. And with growing recognition that children’s lifelong achievement rests on stable, safe, and healthy living conditions, policymakers must also ensure better access of minority and low-income households to higher opportunity communities.
Authored by:
Topics: Asset building, Housing
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Housing Is posted a
on Jul 20, 2018
The need for more affordable rental housing is urgent. The record number of renters paying more than half their incomes for housing underscores the growing gap between market-rate costs and the rents that millions of households can afford.
Jul 20, 2018
This issue brief outlines ways in which Medicaid can support integrated strategies and, based on telephone interviews with key informants, profiles three current initiatives that illustrate distinctly different approaches to linking Medicaid and supportive housing. The three initiatives include one launched by a city (Philadelphia), one by a state (Louisiana), and one by a Medicaid MCO (Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care in Phoenix, Arizona). They target special populations including homeless individuals, people with a wide range of disabilities, and adults with mental health and/or substance use problems.
Authored by:
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Supportive housing
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 20, 2018
This issue brief outlines ways in which Medicaid can support integrated strategies and, based on telephone interviews with key informants, profiles three current initiatives that illustrate distinctly different approaches to linking Medicaid and supportive housing.
Policy Brief
Jul 20, 2018
Of course, the limited rental income generated by public housing properties does not meet the operating and capital costs of public housing properties, and thus Congress appropriates funds to meet these costs. The Capital Fund is the only dedicated source of annual funding available to make capital improvements—repairs and replacements beyond ordinary maintenance—to public housing. Each year, housing authorities nationwide receive a proportional share of the annual Capital Fund appropriation based on the ongoing accrual needs and the backlog of capital needs at each property
Authored by:
Topics: CLPHA, Funding, Legislation & Policy
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 20, 2018
Of course, the limited rental income generated by public housing properties does not meet the operating and capital costs of public housing properties, and thus Congress appropriates funds to meet these costs.
Jul 20, 2018
This report catalogues and describes the MTW innovations that participating PHAs and the study team consider most important and far-reaching in their effect on residents, the agency, and the local community. The report is largely descriptive and does not attempt to measure the results of the innovations undertaken by MTW PHAs. However, it does classify the innovations, discuss their significance, and explain how they make use of the flexibility afforded by MTW.
Authored by:
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Funding, Housing, Mobility, MTW
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 20, 2018
This report catalogues and describes the MTW innovations that participating PHAs and the study team consider most important and far-reaching in their effect on residents, the agency, and the local community.
Jul 20, 2018
The involvement of public-private partnerships in housing programs has grown steadily since HUD’s formation in 1965. Depending on their goals, previous administrations have framed P3s as a means of either expanding or reducing the federal government’s role in housing and urban development.
Authored by:
Topics: Community development, Funding, Legislation & Policy, Partnerships, Research
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 20, 2018
The involvement of public-private partnerships in housing programs has grown steadily since HUD’s formation in 1965. Depending on their goals, previous administrations have framed P3s as a means of either expanding or reducing the federal government’s role in housing and urban development.
Policy Brief
Jul 20, 2018
This report examines several ways in which health care changes created by the ACA, and other health care reform initiatives, create the potential for affordable housing providers to collaborate with health care providers, insurers, and other institutions to support the wellbeing of low-income individuals and families.
Authored by:
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Partnerships
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 20, 2018
This report examines several ways in which health care changes created by the ACA, and other health care reform initiatives, create the potential for affordable housing providers to collaborate with health care providers, insurers, and other institutions to support the wellbeing of low-income indiv
Jul 20, 2018
The objective of this systematic review is to inform program and policy development and future research by examining the available empirical evidence on the effects of housing status on health-related outcomes in people living with HIV/AIDS.
Authored by:
Topics: Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Stability
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Housing Is posted a
on Jul 20, 2018
The objective of this systematic review is to inform program and policy development and future research by examining the available empirical evidence on the effects of housing status on health-related outcomes in people living with HIV/AIDS.
Jul 20, 2018
Despite the fact that people invest more financial, temporal, and psychological resources in their homes than in any other material entity, research on housing and mental health is remarkably underdeveloped. We critically review existing research on housing and mental health, considering housing type (e.g., singlefamily detached versus multiple dwelling), floor level, and housing quality (e.g., structural damage). We then discuss methodological and conceptual shortcomings of this literature and provide a theoretical framework for future research on housing quality and mental health.
Authored by:
Topics: Depression, Health, Housing, Mental health, Research
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 20, 2018
Despite the fact that people invest more financial, temporal, and psychological resources in their homes than in any other material entity, research on housing and mental health is remarkably underdeveloped.
Jul 19, 2018
Assisting public housing residents on the path towards self-sufficiency requires going beyond providing decent, safe, and affordable housing. Public housing residents may face barriers to employment, such as limited education, job skills and/or proficiency in the English language. This toolkit is a resource for both frontline staff and management. It offers examples of how partnerships between DOL and HUD can increase public housing resident employment and create mutual benefit for both agencies.
Authored by:
Topics: Criminal justice, Disabilities, Funding, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, MTW, Partnerships, Workforce development
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 19, 2018
Assisting public housing residents on the path towards self-sufficiency requires going beyond providing decent, safe, and affordable housing. Public housing residents may face barriers to employment, such as limited education, job skills and/or proficiency in the English language.
Policy Brief
Jul 19, 2018
The HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes the conditions under which protected health information may be used or disclosed by covered entities for research purposes.
Authored by:
Topics: Data sharing, Health, Research
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Housing Is posted a
on Jul 19, 2018
The HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes the conditions under which protected health information may be used or disclosed by covered entities for research purposes.
Policy Brief
Jul 19, 2018
This policy brief examines how the physical inspection process can promote healthy affordable housing. A review of housing quality issues linked to health and the role of physical inspections to improve health is provided.
Authored by:
Topics: Asthma, Child welfare, Health, Housing, Lead, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Preventative care, Safety
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Housing Is posted a
on Jul 19, 2018
This policy brief examines how the physical inspection process can promote healthy affordable housing. A review of housing quality issues linked to health and the role of physical inspections to improve health is provided.
Case study
Jul 19, 2018
Acknowledging the link between housing instability and expensive health care utilization, Hennepin Health began to include housing interventions in its approach to care coordination and service integration. Through care coordination efforts, this health reform initiative strives to improve quality of care and patient experience while lowering overall costs. Interventions to address housing instability include the Hennepin Health Social Services Navigation Team and Hennepin Health’s partnerships with the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority and the Hennepin County’s Heading Home Hennepin initiative.
Authored by:
Topics: Health, Homelessness, Housing, Partnerships, Pre-natal, Research, Youth
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 19, 2018
Acknowledging the link between housing instability and expensive health care utilization, Hennepin Health began to include housing interventions in its approach to care coordination and service integration.
Jul 19, 2018
The Building Healthy Neighborhoods series explores the crucial elements to build a culture of health, education and economic mobility in lower-income communities.
Authored by:
Topics: Community development, Health, Housing
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 19, 2018
The Building Healthy Neighborhoods series explores the crucial elements to build a culture of health, education and economic mobility in lower-income communities.
Jul 19, 2018
As prospects seem to diminish for the next generation being
better off than the current one, it is essential to elevate the
successful work being done to address intergenerational
poverty and create an intergenerational path of opportunity.
Practical State Solutions profiles effective solutions from Ascend
partners throughout the United States and the work driven by
leaders in Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Maryland,
Minnesota, Tennessee, and Utah. It contains recommendations
on processes that lead to better outcomes for families, lessons
learned on engaging and bringing families to the table as
empowered experts, and information on how to move to
the next level whether you are starting your 2Gen journey or
working to go deeper.
Authored by:
Topics: Asset building, Child welfare, Criminal justice, Dual-generation, Early childhood, Family engagement, Funding, Health, Legislation & Policy, Post-secondary, Workforce development
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 19, 2018
As prospects seem to diminish for the next generation being
better off than the current one, it is essential to elevate the
successful work being done to address intergenerational
poverty and create an intergenerational path of opportunity.
Practical State Solutions profiles effective solutions from
Jul 19, 2018
Young adults ages 18-24 require specific, targeted services and interventions from the juvenile justice and homelessness service providers with whom they interact if they are to achieve successful outcomes and avoid longterm harms. This resource is intended to assist policymakers, practitioners, and other stakeholders in applying an earlier report, “Addressing the Intersections of Juvenile Justice Involvement and Youth Homelessness: Principles for Change.” in their work with and on behalf of young people in this age group
who are under the jurisdiction of the juvenile justice system.
Authored by:
Topics: Criminal justice, Homelessness, Partnerships, Racial inequalities, Youth
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 19, 2018
Young adults ages 18-24 require specific, targeted services and interventions from the juvenile justice and homelessness service providers with whom they interact if they are to achieve successful outcomes and avoid longterm harms.
Policy Brief
Jul 19, 2018
While links between housing deficiencies and health conditions are well substantiated, research evaluating the health benefits of specific interventions has been limited. There is, however, some evidence that multifaceted interventions may lead to improvements in health of children and families, as well as to reduced use of medical services.
Authored by:
Topics: Community development, Funding, Health, Healthy homes, Medicaid / Medicare, Seniors
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 19, 2018
While links between housing deficiencies and health conditions are well substantiated, research evaluating the health benefits of specific interventions has been limited.
Jul 19, 2018
In December 2016, federal and state policymakers examined health and housing issues at a meeting convened in Washington, D.C., by the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) with support from The Commonwealth Fund. The goal of the meeting was to identify concrete policy recommendations and actionable steps to align health and housing programs to ensure that people with high service needs receive the housing and supportive services they need to become and stay healthy. This report summarizes their findings and recommendations
Authored by:
Topics: Data sharing, Disabilities, Health, Homelessness, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Partnerships, Supportive housing
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 19, 2018
In December 2016, federal and state policymakers examined health and housing issues at a meeting convened in Washington, D.C., by the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) with support from The Commonwealth Fund.