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Housing Is Working Group 2023-2024 Calendar

Join the Housing Is Working Group to discuss special topics related to cross-sector initiatives and programmatic considerations particularly focused on the intersections of housing, health, and education.

This year’s public webinars cover topics such as the mobility asthma project, trauma-informed approaches to housing, resident-focused racial equity work, out-of-school time, and how FCC grantees are supprting voucher holders.

View Calendar

Elements of a Successful Partnership

With generous support from the MacArthur Foundation, CLPHA developed an in-depth report on regional housing-education collaborations taking place at housing authorities across the Pacific-Northwest.

Read the Multimedia Report
May 1, 2022
This toolkit by NCHPH and NNCC provides information and resources for health center staff to partner and collaborate more effectively with their local housing authorities and with other providers serving residents of public housing and other low-income housing.

Authored by: National Center of Health In Public Housing
Topics: Health, Partnerships
Shared by Camille Anoll-Hunter on Sep 23, 2022

HEALTHY TOGETHER: A Toolkit for Health Center Collaborations with HUD Assisted Housing and Community-Based Organizations

May 1, 2022
National Center of Health In Public Housing
This toolkit by NCHPH and NNCC provides information and resources for health center staff to partner and collaborate more effectively with their local housing authorities and with other providers serving residents of public housing and other low-income housing.
Jun 17, 2022
The Vancouver Housing Authority collaborated with a Federally Qualified Health Center and a homeless crisis response system to develop a network of scattered-site and site-based supportive housing. This moderated discussion will cover how VHA paired Housing Choice Vouchers and public housing with a Medicaid-funded supportive housing benefit to serve people identified by the community’s Coordinated Entry as needing supportive housing. Speakers will also discuss the challenges faced through the process, model adjustments made, and evaluation of the work through matching housing data and Medicaid utilization data.

Authored by:
Topics: Advocacy, CLPHA, Data sharing, Family engagement, Health, Healthy homes, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Research, Stability, Sustainability
Shared by Karina George on Jun 17, 2022
Jun 17, 2022
The Administration for Community Living’s Aging and Disability Network is a multifaceted service infrastructure for older adults and people with disabilities so they can find housing and obtain services like chore assistance, delivered meals, and transportation. By partnering with this community infrastructure, PHAs can improve voucher utilization and leverage and align resources so older adults, people with disabilities, and people experiencing homelessness —all priority populations for federal housing assistance—can obtain supportive services needed to attain housing stability, optimize well-being, and avoid homelessness and costly institutional care. Join this session to learn about PHA partnerships with this infrastructure, discuss the dynamics of cross-sector partnerships in community-driven approaches, and discover opportunities available through the Housing and Services Resource Center.

Authored by:
Topics: Advocacy, Community development, Disabilities, Health, Housing, Partnerships, Research, Seniors, Supportive housing, Sustainability
Shared by Karina George on Jun 17, 2022

CLPHA Housing Is Summit 2022: Housing Stability Partnership Opportunities with the Disability and Aging Networks

Jun 17, 2022
The Administration for Community Living’s Aging and Disability Network is a multifaceted service infrastructure for older adults and people with disabilities so they can find housing and obtain services like chore assistance, delivered meals, and transportation.
Jun 17, 2022
NYC was an epicenter at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the city’s population density continues to be a driver of the deep, ongoing public health crisis. As NYC’s largest residential landlord, The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) unsurprisingly works with a number of health partners to bring information and services to residents, but the Authority hasn’t stopped there. Learn how NYCHA has leveraged partnerships at the intersection of health, housing, and economic opportunity to expand pathways for residents into health training and jobs during the past two years, and what’s on the horizon for the next phase of this exciting work.

Authored by:
Topics: Advocacy, Asset building, CLPHA, Health, Healthy homes, Housing
Shared by Karina George on Jun 17, 2022
Jun 17, 2022
The Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF) will moderate a unique cross-sector panel of housing and early care and education (ECE) experts on strategies and best practices for co-locating ECE facilities within affordable housing developments. Discussion of specific financing techniques and site design considerations from existing co-located facilities will provide attendees lessons on policy and programmatic changes needed to incentivize co-location. Panelists include innovators in affordable housing development, government and public sectors, early care and education operations, and community development finance.

Authored by:
Topics: Advocacy, Broadband, Child welfare, CLPHA, Family engagement, Food insecurity, Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Nutrition, School-readiness, Supportive housing, Sustainability
Shared by Karina George on Jun 17, 2022
Dec 14, 2021
At its December 2021 meeting, CLPHA's Housing Is Working Group learned from experts in the field about how they have worked to create resident-focused and community-centered work with their PHAs and partners. We also brainstormed how best to support residents and work towards more equitable and representative housing for everyone, and left with the knowledge of how to better highlight and prioritize resident voices and leadership at every level of our work.

Authored by: Housing Is
Topics: Family engagement, Health, Healthy homes, Housing, Housing Is Working Group, Mental health, Racial inequalities, Supportive housing
Shared by Stephanie Gray on Apr 18, 2022
Apr 11, 2022
Educators play an important role in supporting students' mental well-being. The pandemic has added incredible layers of stress for both adults and young people. Although educators can't control all the stressors and sources of trauma affecting them, they can foster healing and wellness in their classroom or program and work to remove the stigma around mental health concerns.

Authored by: First Book Research & Insights
Topics: Advocacy, Depression, Early childhood, Education, Health, Healthy homes, Literacy, Low-income, Mental health, Racial inequalities, Research, School-readiness, Youth
Shared by Stephanie Gray on Apr 11, 2022
Jan 19, 2022
Announced as part of Biden-Harris Administration’s Maternal Health Call to Action, CLPHA held a special Martin Luther King Jr. Day event on the intersection of racial inequities, housing insecurity, and maternal health outcomes. This hour-long webinar includes presentations and discussions on this topic, and how we as a society can move forward to address these inequities.

Authored by:
Topics: Child welfare, Early childhood, Health, Pre-natal, Racial inequalities
Shared by Kirsten Greenwell on Jan 19, 2022
Aug 26, 2021
The National CLAS Standards are intended to advance health equity, improve quality, and help eliminate health care disparities by establishing a blueprint for health and health care organizations

Authored by: Think Cultural Health, an initiative of the Office of Minority Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Topics: Communications, Health, Immigrants
Shared by Camille Anoll-Hunter on Aug 26, 2021

National Standards for Culturally and Linquistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in Health and Health Care

Aug 26, 2021
Think Cultural Health, an initiative of the Office of Minority Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
The National CLAS Standards are intended to advance health equity, improve quality, and help eliminate health care disparities by establishing a blueprint for health and health care organizations
Jan 14, 2021
A Playbook for Local Health Department Strategies in the United States

Authored by: The National Community-Based Workforce Alliance
Topics: COVID-19, Health
Shared by Camille Anoll-Hunter on Aug 26, 2021
News Article
Jan 6, 2020
Scope of Practice article on the American Medical Association's website

Authored by: Tanya Albert Henry, American Medical Association
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Health
Shared by Camille Anoll-Hunter on Aug 26, 2021
Aug 24, 2021
Community Health Workers (CHWs) are taking a larger role in patient-centered care and community health. Yet, questions remain around the scope of their work, licensure requirements, and available funding sources to build a capable workforce. In this webinar, we will clarify their work and explore their role in advancing equity. We will hear from Ashley Rodriguez, chair of the American Public Health Association’s Community Health Worker Section. Rodriguez is leading national efforts to promote CHWs’ work and support their professional development. Jenna Grant, a resource development manager with the Tulsa Health Department, will share examples of CHW equity-building work in Oklahoma, including the recent CHW-led movement to gain certification for a sustainable workforce. This webinar will be especially helpful for those seeking strategies to strengthen CHWs’ capacity to build equity in communities.

Authored by: County Health Rankings & Roadmaps
Topics: Health, Preventative care
Shared by Camille Anoll-Hunter on Aug 26, 2021
Aug 19, 2021
The social determinants of health are interactive and multi-faceted, but often the experts who address them are siloed—as are their data. How do we share the data that can tell us the full story about the people who rely on—and receive—support? Chris Tappan and Lori Hunter discuss data systems, collaboration between agencies, and the vital importance of equitable services in this latest episode of The Intersect.

Authored by: Abt Associates
Topics: Data sharing, Health
Shared by Jordan Jackson on Aug 19, 2021
Jul 30, 2021
This webinar encouraged HUD staff and stakeholders to learn how public health data sharing agreements can better inform on-the-ground vaccine efforts.

Authored by: HUD Exchange
Topics: COVID-19, Data sharing, Health
Shared by Kirsten Greenwell on Jul 30, 2021
Jun 16, 2021
The social determinants of health are interactive and multi-faceted, but often the experts who address them are siloed—as are their data. How do we share the data that can tell us the full story about the people who rely on—and receive—support? Chris Tappan and Lori Hunter discuss data systems, collaboration between agencies, and the vital importance of equitable services in this latest episode of The Intersect.

Authored by: Eric Tischler, Chris Tappan, and Lori Hunter with ABT Associates
Topics: Child welfare, COVID-19, Data sharing, Health
Shared by Camille Anoll-Hunter on Jun 25, 2021

Reaching Equity: Data, Collaboration, and the Social Determinants of Health

Jun 16, 2021
Eric Tischler, Chris Tappan, and Lori Hunter with ABT Associates
The social determinants of health are interactive and multi-faceted, but often the experts who address them are siloed—as are their data. How do we share the data that can tell us the full story about the people who rely on—and receive—support?
Policy Brief
May 5, 2021
In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced many public housing authorities (PHAs) to quickly adjust their operational procedures to protect their staff while providing emergency assistance to residents. Many PHAs had to close their offices and convert to remote operations almost overnight, while staff focused on supporting their tenants by delivering them food, doing wellness checks for vulnerable residents, and ensuring they had access to and in some cases providing the technology needed for children to attend school remotely and isolated residents to remain connected to friends, family, and service providers. Moreover, as the economic crisis caused by the pandemic worsened, PHAs were under pressure to rapidly adjust rents for tenants who had lost income and process housing choice voucher (HCV) applications so people could use their vouchers to find housing. This brief provides insights into how public housing authorities used additional flexibilities that became available through a series of HUD-issued regulatory and statutory waivers, and makes the case for the potential benefits for added flexibilities for the HCV and public housing programs going forward.

Authored by: Monique King-Viehl, Elizabeth Champion, & Susan J. Popkin for URBAN INSTITUTE
Topics: Advocacy, COVID-19, Data sharing, Health, Housing, Safety, Supportive housing
Shared by Housing Is on May 25, 2021
May 20, 2021
Based off of data that Ohio has high rates of infant mortality, housing authorities there are working to address this concern, which disproportionately affects people of color. Under different initiatives, the Akron and Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authorities collaborate with cross-sector partners like mayor’s offices and public health officials to improve outcomes. Panelists will describe their efforts, tactics to reach at-risk families, and ways to fund the work.

Authored by: CLPHA
Topics: Advocacy, Child welfare, Community development, Health, Healthy homes, Legislation & Policy, Pre-natal, Racial inequalities
Shared by Housing Is on May 20, 2021
May 18, 2021
In 2019, CLPHA collaborated with Johns Hopkins University on a member survey to better understand how public housing authorities (PHAs) are serving residents affected by addiction and what policies or resources PHAs continue to need. The intent of CLPHA’s participation in the survey was to identify best practices for most effectively serving residents affected by addiction and inform CLPHA’s advocacy efforts on addiction issues. During this panel, the JHU researchers will review results of the survey and panelists will hear from the PHA perspective about what practices have been most effective and where there is work to be done.

Authored by: CLPHA
Topics: Health, Substance abuse
Shared by Housing Is on May 18, 2021
May 18, 2021
Roundtable: Cross-Sector Efforts on COVID-19. More than a year into a global pandemic, we continue to see disparities in infections, access to care, and economic supports, with an unequal burden on low-income and communities of color. This roundtable will discuss perspectives from housing, health, and policy for what we have seen and what may be to come, as well as ideas we may enact to create more permanent solutions, in addition to addressing current crises.

Authored by: CLPHA
Topics: CLPHA, Community development, COVID-19, Education, Health, Housing, Partnerships
Shared by Housing Is on May 18, 2021
Jan 13, 2021
On a day-to-day basis, vulnerable populations suffer from inequities in health, wealth, and education. These same people are then disproportionately impacted by catastrophes ranging from hurricanes to COVID-19, which only serve to underline the great and urgent need for equity across race, gender, and income. In the latest episode of The Intersect, Madeline Colety and Lorine Giangola discuss how Abt’s housing and resilience work is helping clients promote equity.

Authored by: Madeline Colety & Lorine Giangola for ABT ASSOCIATES
Topics: Advocacy, Community development, Education, Food insecurity, Health, Healthy homes, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Partnerships, Racial inequalities
Shared by Housing Is on Jan 14, 2021
Community: Youth
Dec 1, 2020
420,000. Based on the new report, "Lost in the Masked Shuffle & Virtual Void: Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Amidst the Pandemic" from SchoolHouse Connection and Poverty Solutions at the University of Michigan, that’s how many fewer children and youth experiencing homelessness have been identified and enrolled by schools so far this school year. According to our data and insights - gathered from educators and homeless liaisons across 49 states - the number of children, youth, and families experiencing homelessness has likely increased due to the economic crisis. Yet, because of COVID-19 challenges in identifying children and youth experiencing homelessness, hundreds of thousands may not be getting the education and support they need - from internet access, to housing, to food, to child care. What’s more, only 18% of respondents indicated that federal coronavirus relief education funding provided by the CARES Act is being used to meet the needs of students experiencing homelessness. To break generational cycles of homelessness, we must take swift action to support the increasing number of children, youth, and families in need. Check out our report to learn more and take action. We have included recommendations for Congressional leaders, state and local educational agencies, homeless, housing, food, and other relief agencies, and philanthropic organizations.

Topics: Attendance, Child welfare, Early childhood, Education, Funding, Health, Homelessness, Low-income, Stability, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Dec 1, 2020
Jun 12, 2020
Community health workers (CHW) can be vital to ensuring individuals and communities accessing the full range of healthcare and social services they need. Housing authorities and their health partners are increasingly looking for ways to train and deploy CHWs in their communities to help improve health outcomes, improve satisfaction with care, lower healthcare costs, and minimize health disparities. This session will explore several PHAs training residents to become CHWs. Participants will learn of the deliberative process undertaken to design proofs of concept that feature cross-sector partnerships, metrics determination, data collection and sharing approaches, evaluation planning, anticipated outcomes and strategies for replicability.

Authored by: CLPHA
Topics: Health, Housing, Summit 2020
Shared by Steve Lucas on Jun 12, 2020
Jun 12, 2020
Following our 2020 Summit Keynote Speaker Congresswoman Donna Shalala, we will hear from a roundtable comprised of a national Medicaid payer, large housing authority, and essential health care service provider about improving outcomes through innovative collaboration between the health and housing sectors. As a Medicaid managed care organization, UnitedHealthcare Community & State has forged partnerships with public housing authorities (PHAs) and federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) to address the social determinants of health of those individuals accessing the Medicaid system. UnitedHealthcare will be joined in this conversation by the Housing Authority of the City of Austin and Bread for the City (an FQHC in Washington, DC) to discuss the importance of including all of these partners at the table. Especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has placed public health and social inequities front and center, we are reminded of the importance of partnerships with an “all hands on deck” approach to produce results.

Authored by: CLPHA
Topics: Health, Housing, Summit 2020
Shared by Steve Lucas on Jun 12, 2020

CLPHA Housing Is Summit 2020: Day 2 Plenary with Keynote Speaker Donna Shalala and Health-Housing Panel

Jun 12, 2020
Following our 2020 Summit Keynote Speaker Congresswoman Donna Shalala, we will hear from a roundtable comprised of a national Medicaid payer, large housing authority, and essential health care service provider about improving outcomes through innovative collaboration between the health and housing s
Jun 12, 2020
Housing providers and public health experts share insights from building cross-sector health and housing partnerships. King County Housing Authority, Seattle Housing Authority, and Public Health - Seattle & King County have integrated housing data with Medicaid and Medicare data to better understand resident health needs and inform health initiatives. Leveraging this linked dataset, Dr. Craig Pollack is investigating the effects of receiving housing assistance on health outcomes. Vancouver Housing Authority is part of the Health and Housing Innovation Partnership, which aims to increase housing options for people with complex behavioral and physical health conditions and to better integrate health care services with the housing. Yakima Housing Authority recently became a Supported Employment provider under a new Washington State Medicaid Program, requiring the agency to become more connected to the state’s Medicaid system.

Authored by: CLPHA
Topics: Health, Housing, Summit 2020
Shared by Steve Lucas on Jun 12, 2020
Jun 12, 2020
COVID-19 is disproportionately impacting the health of low income housing residents and minority communities. Those who have symptoms of COVID-19 may not have the knowledge and resources to prevent the spread of infection, to seek appropriate healthcare, and to maintain quarantine. Lack of experience with telemedicine and lack of home blood pressure and glucose monitoring devices will result in worsening chronic disease health outcomes. Furthermore, the increased financial and emotional stress during the COVID-19 epidemic may result in increased need for mental health support. The Bringing Health Home (BHH) Program, a collaboration between the Housing Authority of the City of Austin and the University of Texas Dell Medical School and funding provided by the St. David's Foundation, has trained and hired residents as state-certified Community Health Workers (CHW) to conduct virtual outreach to their neighbors at the largest public housing community to assess and address needs in the context of COVID-19. Using CDC guidelines, the CHWs assess their peers over the phone for COVID-19 symptoms, reinforce preventative measures, link them to testing and medical care, when indicated, and connect them to other available resources, as needed. With this support, it has been possible for BHH residents with COVID-19 to maintain self-isolation and minimize transmission. The BHH team will share the work they are doing to prevent health disparities, minimize COVID-19 deaths, contain the virus, and protect the public welfare by supporting COVID-19 positive households with customized relief packages and symptom monitoring as they remain under quarantine.

Authored by: CLPHA
Topics: Health, Housing, Seniors, Summit 2020
Shared by Steve Lucas on Jun 12, 2020

CLPHA Housing Is Summit 2020: PHAs Addressing COVID-19 Transmission and Health Inequities

Jun 12, 2020
COVID-19 is disproportionately impacting the health of low income housing residents and minority communities. Those who have symptoms of COVID-19 may not have the knowledge and resources to prevent the spread of infection, to seek appropriate healthcare, and to maintain quarantine.