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Housing Is Working Group 2023-2024 Calendar

Join the Housing Is Working Group to discuss special topics related to cross-sector initiatives and programmatic considerations particularly focused on the intersections of housing, health, and education.

This year’s public webinars cover topics such as the mobility asthma project, trauma-informed approaches to housing, resident-focused racial equity work, out-of-school time, and how FCC grantees are supprting voucher holders.

View Calendar

Elements of a Successful Partnership

With generous support from the MacArthur Foundation, CLPHA developed an in-depth report on regional housing-education collaborations taking place at housing authorities across the Pacific-Northwest.

Read the Multimedia Report
Jul 30, 2021
This webinar encouraged HUD staff and stakeholders to learn how public health data sharing agreements can better inform on-the-ground vaccine efforts.

Authored by: HUD Exchange
Topics: COVID-19, Data sharing, Health
Shared by Kirsten Greenwell on Jul 30, 2021
Community: CLPHA COVID-19 Coordination
Mar 23, 2020
The National Asian Pacific Center on Aging has launched a an automated COVID-19 in-language helpline and website for older adults and their caregivers.The helpline offers information on prevention, symptoms, and planning in 8 different languages. Each language will have a dedicated 1-800 line so that older adults who are limited English-proficient can immediately learn about the COVID-19 without having to navigate through difficult English prompts.

Authored by: National Asian Pacific Center on Asian
Topics: Communications
Shared by Kirsten Greenwell on Mar 23, 2020

NAPCA Launches Automated In-Language Helpline and Website for Older Adults and Caregivers in Response to COVID-19

Mar 23, 2020
National Asian Pacific Center on Asian
The National Asian Pacific Center on Aging has launched a an automated COVID-19 in-language helpline and website for older adults and their caregivers.The helpline offers information on prevention, symptoms, and planning in 8 different languages.
Community: CLPHA COVID-19 Coordination
Mar 23, 2020
Special edition of CLPHA newsletter detailing the organization's efforts in response to COVID-19.

Authored by: CLPHA
Topics: Advocacy, CLPHA, Communications, Health, Seniors
Shared by Steve Lucas on Mar 23, 2020
Community: CLPHA COVID-19 Coordination
Mar 22, 2020
From CDC: "Residents in retirement communities and ILF are considered to be at higher risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes because of older age and because they may have underlying health conditions, such as chronic heart disease, diabetes, or lung disease. They also may be at higher risk of getting and spreading the virus because of community characteristics, such as frequent social activities, and shared dining facilities and communal spaces. Guidance specific to retirement and independent living communities can help the residents, and those who help serve them, slow the spread of the virus and prevent serious illness." The CDC guidance includes a checklist for owners and building managers to help protect residents from the spread of COVID-19.

Authored by: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Topics: Health, Seniors
Shared by Steve Lucas on Mar 22, 2020
Community: CLPHA COVID-19 Coordination
Mar 17, 2020
Offers community-specific COVID-19 mitigation plans and guidance on how to prepare and take action for COVID-19 at home and at workplaces, schools, childcare programs, colleges, universities, large community events/mass gatherings, homeless shelters, and other locations.

Authored by: CDC
Topics: Communications
Shared by Kirsten Greenwell on Mar 17, 2020
Community: CLPHA COVID-19 Coordination
Mar 17, 2020
Print resources from the CDC about coronavirus symptoms, prevention, and treatment to distribute and post in your communities.

Authored by: CDC
Topics: Communications
Shared by Kirsten Greenwell on Mar 17, 2020
Community: CLPHA COVID-19 Coordination
Mar 16, 2020
The CDC's landing page for official COVID-19 guidance to communities and individuals.

Authored by: CDC
Topics: Health
Shared by Steve Lucas on Mar 16, 2020
Community: CLPHA COVID-19 Coordination
Mar 16, 2020
CLPHA is continually updating a central COVID-19 landing page that includes the latest CDC guidance, member-generated resources, and information from CLPHA member calls related to COVID-19 (e.g. call notes, insights from speakers). We encourage you to share your resources with us and fellow members in this online community and/or by emailing them to the CLPHA team at clpha@clpha.org.

Authored by: CLPHA
Topics: Health
Shared by Steve Lucas on Mar 16, 2020
Feb 12, 2020
A discussion with attorney Alex Elson from the National Student Legal Defense Network and director of FAIL STATE, Alex Shebanow, to talk about predatory for-profit institutions and how that affects low income residents. About the film: Over five years in the making, FAIL STATE investigates the for-profit college industry and the decades-long reports of student loan abuse within the sector. The film’s central thesis: aided by a cabal of politicians, nationwide disinvestment in public colleges and universities, and an unscrupulous desire to maximize profits at all costs, for-profit colleges have exploited millions of low-income and minority students, leaving them with worthless degrees and drowning in student loan debt. With echoes of the subprime mortgage crisis, director Alexander Shebanow traces the rise of the for-profit college industry in American higher education and uncovers a story that the Los Angeles Times calls “truly eye-opening and crucial.” The film premiered to sold-out shows at DOC NYC, SXSW EDU, Cleveland International, and debuted on STARZ in December 2018. Director Alexander Shebanow and Executive Producer Dan Rather were awarded the 2019 William Randolph Hearst Award for Outstanding Professional Media Service for their work on FAIL STATE.

Authored by: CLPHA
Topics: Advocacy, CLPHA, Education, Housing Is Working Group, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Post-secondary
Shared by Abra Lyons-Warren on Feb 12, 2020

CLPHA Education Working Group: Predatory PostSecondary Institutions Webinar

Feb 12, 2020
A discussion with attorney Alex Elson from the National Student Legal Defense Network and director of FAIL STATE, Alex Shebanow, to talk about predatory for-profit institutions and how that affects low income residents. About the film: Over five years in the making, FAIL STATE investigates the fo
Case study
May 1, 2019
In 2011, Cleveland had one of the highest rates of childhood lead poisoning in the United States, with almost one of every five children in the city receiving this diagnosis. Childhood asthma rates were also extremely high, especially for children living in poverty, according to 2008 statewide statistics for Ohio. Follow along in this new case study with the Engaging the Community in New Approaches to Healthy Housing (ECNAHH) initiative, part the BUILD Health Challenge’s first cohort, as they worked to reduce the occurrence of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lead poisoning related to unhealthy housing conditions in three sub-neighborhoods in Cleveland.

Authored by: The BUILD Health Challenge
Topics: Health, Midwest, Partnerships, Research
Shared by Housing Is on Jun 13, 2019
Jun 5, 2019
This All In webinar will feature projects addressing transportation with a multi-sector data component. FLOURISH: St. Louis, one of the BUILD Health Challenge awardees from St. Louis, MO, will talk about how they are using data to addressing infant mortality through transportation in St. Louis. The Community Transportation Association of America, a national non-profit, will highlight Wheels to Wellness (W2W), a program in Southern Maryland, that allows healthcare staff in rural Maryland to schedule on-demand and pre-scheduled trips using an online portal, and Oklahoma City, OK, who is working with community partners to create a transportation program for parents working towards reunification with their children now in foster care.

Authored by: All In: Data for Community Health
Topics: Data sharing, Health, Partnerships, Racial inequalities, Transportation
Shared by Housing Is on Jun 13, 2019
Jun 11, 2019
CLPHA’s Education Working Group convened on Tuesday, June 11 to learn about one of the Housing Authority of Kansas City’s (HAKC) newest housing communities: Pemberton Park, a subsidized apartment building that serves grandparents caring for grandchildren. Representatives from HAKC and their partners discussed the process of establishing the grand-family complex, as well as challenges and successes they experienced along the way.

Authored by: CLPHA, Housing Is
Topics: Education, Family engagement, Housing, Housing Is Working Group, Low-income, Partnerships, Seniors, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Jun 11, 2019
Consider using the following tweets and images during the Thursday, May 16, 3:00 pm ET tweetstorm. Continue to periodically share these posts on social media until the July 9, 2019 comment deadline.

Authored by: National Low Income Housing Coalition
Topics: Homelessness, Housing, Immigrants, Legislation & Policy
Shared by Housing Is on Jun 7, 2019
Mar 1, 2017
This webinar explored strategies for leveraging data to support college and career readiness and success (CCRS) goals for all students, with special emphasis on students in foster care. With access to quality data, education and child welfare agencies can work together to improve educational outcomes and promote CCRS for students in foster care. Presenters discussed a set of emerging practices that serve as examples of how states can use and link data to support CCRS. As states work to fulfill the requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), this webinar also aims to provide concrete strategies to leverage the data collection and reporting requirements related to students in foster care to achieve CCRS goals.

Authored by: American Youth Policy Forum
Topics: Asset building, Foster care, Post-secondary, Workforce development, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on May 21, 2019
Explains the provisions in the Family First Prevention Services Act related to reducing reliance on congregate care and explores approaches to achieve this goal. This webinar includes a summary of the provisions and examples from agencies that have successfully reduced the number of children in group care. Presenters from child welfare agencies in Connecticut and Oklahoma share strategies used to increase the number of children who safely remain with their families or in the least restrictive, most family-like setting.

Authored by: Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families)
Topics: Child welfare, Foster care, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on May 21, 2019
May 16, 2019
Puerto Rico faces enormous challenges due to its history as a colony, the state of its finances, and the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria and the US response to it. This has created a will to rebuild the island’s economy in line with a more community-owned vision. In this webinar, we hear from a number of people involved in and leading that effort.

Authored by: Steve Dubb for NPQ
Topics: Asset building, Community development, U.S. Territories
Shared by Housing Is on May 20, 2019
On May 10, 2019, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published a proposed rule that would prohibit “mixed-status" families from living in public and other subsidized housing. Mixed-status families are households that include both members who are eligible and ineligible for housing assistance based on their immigration status. Both statute and regulation allow families to live together in subsidized housing even if one family member is ineligible so long as the housing subsidy is decreased to exclude the ineligible person from the assistance. Importantly, just because a household member is an “ineligible” immigrant, it doesn’t mean that they are undocumented. Immigrants can have legal status and still not be eligible for public housing and Section 8 programs.

Authored by: National Low Income Housing Coalition and National Housing Law Project
Topics: Homelessness, Housing, Immigrants, Legislation & Policy, Low-income
Shared by Housing Is on May 15, 2019

Keep Families Together

National Low Income Housing Coalition and National Housing Law Project
On May 10, 2019, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published a proposed rule that would prohibit “mixed-status" families from living in public and other subsidized housing.
May 10, 2019
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today published a proposed rule that would prohibit “mixed status families” from living in public and other subsidized housing. Mixed status families are households that include members who are eligible and others who are ineligible for housing assistance based on their immigration status. Currently, HUD allows families to live together in subsidized housing even if one family member is ineligible so long as the housing subsidy is prorated to exclude the ineligible person from the assistance. Importantly, just because a household member is an “ineligible” immigrant, it doesn’t mean that they are undocumented. Immigrants can have legal status and still not be eligible to receive housing assistance.

Authored by: National Low Income Housing Coalition
Topics: Housing, Immigrants, Legislation & Policy
Shared by Housing Is on May 10, 2019

Housing, Faith, Civil Rights, Social Justice, and Immigration Leaders Rally to Oppose HUD Rule That Would Separate Families or Evict Them

May 10, 2019
National Low Income Housing Coalition
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today published a proposed rule that would prohibit “mixed status families” from living in public and other subsidized housing.
Apr 10, 2019
Advocacy is everyone's job and it is essential to the children and communities we serve. CLPHA’s Education Working Group hosted a webinar to learn about advocacy efforts to build support and investment in housing. Representatives from Partnership for Children and Youth (PCY) – a California-based advocacy organization that promotes and supports learning opportunities for underserved students – discussed strategies for providing, sustaining, and increasing access to Out-of-School-Time services in housing. PCY also touched on a range of advocacy strategies and preliminary results from the Save After School Campaign in California.

Authored by: CLPHA
Topics: CLPHA, Education, Housing, Housing Is Working Group, Legislation & Policy, Out-of-school time, Partnerships, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 10, 2019
Case study
The PHNCI Innovation Learning Community grantees spent eighteen months hard at work implementing innovations in their communities. From this community, we have been able to learn what makes an innovation work and be replicable, including leadership buy-in, cross-sector partnerships, and community engagement. In addition to learning about innovation broadly from these grantees, we also want to highlight each grantee’s individual work, including success, challenges, and lessons learned for others who may be interested in replicating their work. The case studies below, produced by NORC at the University of Chicago, are great resources for any agency looking to bring public health innovation to serve the needs of its community.

Authored by: The Public Health National Center for Innovations (PHNCI)
Topics: Data sharing, Health, Partnerships, Research
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 8, 2019
Case study
Mar 13, 2019
Vacant properties, substandard housing, and neighborhood quality profoundly affect our health, education, and safety. Strategic code enforcement programs can serve as communities’ first line of defense for addressing deteriorating homes, vacant properties, and neighborhood decline. Strategic code enforcement programs organize critical assets, resources, and actions into a dynamic and adaptive system.

Authored by: Joe Schilling for How Housing Matters (Urban Institute)
Topics: Community development, Data sharing, Funding, Health, Legislation & Policy, Partnerships
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 14, 2019

Stabilizing Neighborhoods through Strategic Code Enforcement

Case study
Mar 13, 2019
Joe Schilling for How Housing Matters (Urban Institute)
Vacant properties, substandard housing, and neighborhood quality profoundly affect our health, education, and safety. Strategic code enforcement programs can serve as communities’ first line of defense for addressing deteriorating homes, vacant properties, and neighborhood decline.
Feb 28, 2019
Join us for an examination of how cross-sector data sharing initiatives are being used to tackle tough public health problems. The webinar will provide an in-depth look at a cross-sector collaboration in Illinois between public health, law enforcement, emergency medical services, a fire department and a jail aimed at addressing the needs of high utilizers of behavioral health services.

Authored by: The Network for Public Health Law
Topics: Criminal justice, Data sharing, Health, Mental health, Midwest, Partnerships, Safety, Stability
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 6, 2019
Case study
This is a summary of HealthInfoNet’s (HIN) recommendations to pursue the integration of Maine’s Homeless Information Management System (HMIS) with Maine’s statewide Health Information Exchange (HIE).

Authored by: HealthInfoNet and Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH)
Topics: Data sharing, East Coast, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Partnerships
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Feb 20, 2019

Maine's Homeless Health Information Planning Collaborative: Recommendations for Statewide HMIS & HIE Data Integration

Case study
HealthInfoNet and Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH)
This is a summary of HealthInfoNet’s (HIN) recommendations to pursue the integration of Maine’s Homeless Information Management System (HMIS) with Maine’s statewide Health Information Exchange (HIE).
Case study
In 2018, Penobscot Community Health Care (PCHC), a Federally Qualified Health Center and The Hope House Health and Living Center in Bangor began a unique collaboration between health care and homelessness services utilizing HealthInfoNet’s Analytics and Reporting Platform (HARP). This tool identifies patients at high-risk for readmissions and connecting them to appropriate community and health services to prevent readmissions.

Authored by: HealthInfoNet and Penobscot Community Health Care (PCHC)
Topics: East Coast, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Partnerships
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Feb 20, 2019

Connecting Homeless Individuals with Health Care and Community services to prevent Readmissions

Case study
HealthInfoNet and Penobscot Community Health Care (PCHC)
In 2018, Penobscot Community Health Care (PCHC), a Federally Qualified Health Center and The Hope House Health and Living Center in Bangor began a unique collaboration between health care and homelessness services utilizing HealthInfoNet’s Analytics and Reporting Platform (HARP).
Case study
The Addressing Healthcare’s Blindside in Albuquerque’s South Side (AHBASS) collaborative participated in the BUILD Health Challenge’s first cohort with the intention of “making the healthy choice, the easy choice” for community members. Now you can learn about their strategies, approaches, application of the BUILD principles, and outcomes in this new case study documenting their work. Follow along in this case study and see how this Albuquerque, NM, based team addressed chronic disease and self-management in their community. Together, they established a multi-sector collaboration that resulted in a referral tracking system and a Mobile Farmers Market. In addition, the team implemented the Healthy Here Wellness Referral Center, an integrated chronic disease management referral system to link clinics to community resources in order to improve health outcomes.

Authored by: The BUILD Health Challenge
Topics: Data sharing, Food insecurity, Health, Low-income, Nutrition, Partnerships
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Feb 20, 2019